Challenge 1- Choose Your Vision

Welcome to Day 1 of the 10 Day Bootcamp!  Throughout the next few days, I will show you simple ways of thinking about learning guitar and playing guitar that will significantly improve your playing throughout the next 10 days and help you learn your first 5 songs!

Today’s challenge is all about making a plan for what you would like to accomplish in the next 10 Days.  Setting a goal that excites you can do wonders for your motivation to play.  Let’s face it, most of what holds us back is motivation.  When we learn something new, many times, we have a hard time sticking with it, whether it is learning an instrument, dieting, exercising, or trying to get along with that annoying coworker.  It’s hard to stick with it because we hit a wall and don’t really want to subject ourselves to spending time working on the thing that kicked our butt yesterday.

Great pep talk huh?  Don’t worry I am going to teach you how to overcome those obstacles without having to just bulldoze your way through them.  That being said, there will be obstacles and the best way to overcome obstacles is to have a goal or vision that excites you so much that you can push through the hard times.

Your challenge:  Pick 5 songs that you would love to be able to play in the next 10 Days. 

They can be anything and they definitely don’t have to seem easy to you.  I will show you ways to ease into even the hardest song.  Once you have your 5 songs, email them to me at [email protected] or leave them in the comments on the Facebook Group!

Can’t wait to see what you pick!

Want More Info on How this Process Will Work?  Check out this Blog!

This experience can be enjoyed alone, but we will learn that it works so much better if we have someone to share the experience with.

Invite someone with code, 10day212, and it will allow them immediate access to all content!


If This is Your First Time Playing Guitar, Here are some other videos to get you started!