How to Play the Chorus of Crazy Train

Crazy Train Part 2- Chorus

This is our second week of Crazy Train because there is a ton going on in the chorus.  I hope you studied up and now know how to play the Intro and Verse.  If you missed that, grab the video and tablature here.  The Chorus has a lot of walking up to chords and walking down to chords.  Walking up refers to playing the two or three or even four notes, mostly of the major scale, leading up to the next chord.  Walking down is the opposite.  For instance, a walk up to A could be E, F#, G#, A.  A walk down to E would be A, G#, F#, E.  

As always, the song is broken down into two levels.  The first level is easier the second level is a little more challenging, but both levels are broken down to be easily accessible no matter your skill!

Level 1

The Chorus has a lot more moving parts  than the verse and intro so practice it until you no longer need the tablature as a reference. Even though there is a lot going on, this chorus is a great section to start trying to add in chords on E, A, and D.

Crazy Train Level 1 TAB

Level 2

If you have played through Level 1 and want a challenge, level 2 is the same thing, but with chords added. This is pretty fast when you play it up to speed, but the difficulty is easily accessible to beginners.